Sydney, NSW | Pest Manager Lic: 5074237 | Builders Lic: 211725C

Termite Inspector

Clear View Property Inspections is proud to offer comprehensive termite inspection services. Our team of trained and experienced termite inspectors will thoroughly examine your property, identifying any signs of termite infestation or damage.

Inspection for your home or investment property

If you own your own home or even an investment property, this is perhaps one of the most important inspections to complete annually. Termite inspections check for active termites and conducive conditions that can draw termites into your property.

Termite inspections are so important that the Australian Standards recommend annual inspection, but more is preferred. The reason is that termite inspections do not prevent termites, but regular inspections can find activity early before there is extensive damage. 

We also do full pest and termite inspections

In addition to our termite inspection services, Clear View Property Inspections also specializes in detailed property condition assessments. Our thorough inspection methods involve a comprehensive exploration that may require a significant number of inspection hours to ensure a complete documentation of the building’s condition.

Damaging Termite Species

Certain species of termites like the coptotermes can eat ¾ of the house in 6 months. Being termite activity or damage is not covered by insurance you can see why the Australian Standards recommend at least one inspection per year.

Termite Barriers

You may think you’re excluded from inspections if you have a new home. It’s quite the opposite actually. Physical termite barriers in new homes are designed to expose termites to visual locations and not allow concealed termite ingress. Forcing termites to build their mud tubes around the termite barrier, will make it easier for an inspector to find during the annual termite inspections. When you buy or build a new home there is a warranty guarantee for termites and any infestation, to maintain this warranty you must have annual termite inspections. If you do not have the annual termite inspections completed you will forfeit any warranty and it will be cancelled.

termite treatment inspection against damage

Termite inspectors will not only detect the presence of termites, but also implement an effective control strategy that minimizes pesticide use.

Ideal Termite Habitats around the Home

Termite inspections whether for an old existing home or a new property will identify conducive conditions.

Conducive conditions can be things like water leaks from your bathroom or gutters, we find that 90% of the time termites enter a home from a leaking bathroom or laundry. The moisture in the soil draws them up and leads them straight into your framing members. Keeping your house dry will go a long way in keeping your home termite-free.

This also relates to subfloors. Subfloors that are damp and have a lot of water ingress from stormwater are heavily prone to termite activity. Installation of passive vents or subfloor ventilation can help or even better is installing a drainage system that diverts stormwater away from the subfloor.

Many things can be done to prevent termite ingress. For free advice or to arrange your termite inspection, contact Clear View Property Inspections!

Subterranean termites, Drywood termites, Dampwood termites

Homes have lots of structural wood, making it essential for a termite building inspection.