A day in the life of a property inspector – most expensive suburbs in Sydney edition

A day in the life of a property inspector is filled with diverse and intriguing tasks, especially when working in Sydney’s most luxurious suburbs.

Each day typically includes 2-4 inspections, ranging from pre-purchase building and timber pest inspections to termite and pool inspections.

The prestigious locales not only offer breathtaking views and stunning homes but also an array of sophisticated cafes and eateries that enhance the overall experience.

Memorable Inspection in Vaucluse

At Clear View Property Inspections, our inspector, Robert, begins his day with a hearty breakfast and a cup of coffee to prepare for the tasks ahead. His first job often takes him to the affluent areas of Vaucluse or Double Bay, where properties are expansive, often featuring 2-3 levels, 5-6 bedrooms, tennis courts, and crystal-clear swimming pools.

Robert recalls an unforgettable inspection in Vaucluse, where he was tasked with a pre-purchase building inspection at the home of a renowned actor. This mansion was a marvel, with sparkling marble floors, a tropical oasis pool, panoramic water views, and a sightline to the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge. The property even boasted a full-sized tennis court and a butler who welcomed him at the door.

Servicing a home in Vaucluse

Visiting on-site Sydney’s exclusive suburbs

On-Site Inspections in Sydney’s Exclusive Suburbs

This luxurious home, which sold for over $10 million, was subject to Robert’s meticulous inspection process. Equipped with state-of-the-art tools such as the termatrack, thermal camera, and drone, Robert conducted a comprehensive examination from top to bottom. His goal was to ensure the potential buyer was fully informed about any defects or hidden issues.

Interior Inspection

Robert’s inspection process begins inside the property:

  • Rooms: Ceilings, walls, and floors are checked for structural integrity and any signs of damage.
  • Kitchens, Laundries, and Bathrooms: Plumbing, cabinetry, tiling, and finishes are thoroughly examined.
building defects

Every mega mansion has its challenges

Roof Cavity and Exterior Inspection

After the interior is completed, Robert moves to the roof cavity to inspect:

  • Roof Members: Checking for structural issues and signs of termite activity.

He then inspects the exterior:

  • Gutters and Downpipes: Ensuring proper drainage.
  • Windows and Doors: Checking for functionality and damage.
  • Surroundings and Fences: Looking for cracks and movement.
  • Garden Beds and Driveways: Assessing for drainage issues and structural defects.

Subfloor Inspection

If the property has a subfloor, Robert examines it meticulously for any issues that might not be visible otherwise. Once all inspections are complete, he compiles a detailed report and follows up with the client to discuss his findings.

Every mansion, despite its grandeur, presents unique challenges and opportunities for discovery. “Every job is unique in its own way, and that’s what makes it enjoyable,” Robert reflects. His dedication to thorough inspections ensures that clients can confidently proceed with their property purchases, knowing every detail has been scrutinized by a professional.

Book a Property Inspection

Ready to ensure your dream home is a solid investment? Schedule a professional property inspection with Clearview today. Call 02 8329 7997 to secure your booking.

For inquiries, drop us an email at [email protected].

Our doors are open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday, exclusively by appointment.

We proudly serve all areas of Sydney and the Central Coast, NSW.