Pool Compliance NSW
A pool safety inspection and certification confirms whether swimming pools and spas comply with the Swimming Pools Act, Regulations and Referenced Australian standards.

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NSW and Sydney residence with swimming pools are required to have a Pool compliance certificate to ensure their swimming pool is compliant to the NSW swimming pool Act 1992 No49, Swimming pool regulations 2018 and the Australian Standards 1926
The referencing Australian standard for the pool barrier will depend when the pool was built and if section 30 or section 31 of the regulations apply.
Pool barrier inspection and certification is based on the pool fencing only. The inspection has no relevance on the physical pool itself, only the pool fencing including the boundary fencing if its part of the pool barrier.
Pool fencing has many requirements to comply with during the inspection process by the E1 Pool inspector.
E1 accredited private pool certifier will spend ample time assessing which is the relevant Australian standard to reference for the pool fencing.
I will provide some key advice and requirements for the latest Australian standard 1926.1-2012.
Any Pools built after 1st May 2013 will need to comply with the 2012 standards and any pool built prior to this will need to satisfy section 30 and 31 of the regulations to use an earlier Australian standard. If Sections are not satisfied, they too will need to comply with the latest 1926.1-2012 standards.
Below is a checklist you can compare your pool fencing with. Do your own pool inspection to have an idea if your pool has a chance for compliance in NSW Sydney.
Make sure you understand the NON-CLIMB ZONE locations as I will be making reference to them regularly. There is five non climb zones: NCZ 1, NCZ 2, NCZ 3, NCZ 4, NCZ 5
Checklist for swimming pool compliance:
Pool Signage: As per Part 3, clause 10 of the 2018 regulations: Below items should be on the signage for it to be compliant.
- a) young children should be supervised
- b) Pool gates must be Kept closed at all times
- c) Keep articles and objects clear from pool fence
- d) Simple flow chart for resuscitation
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Pool Safety Inspections & Certifications NSW | Certified for Quality
NSW Pool Safety Compliance
Clause 2.1
A barrier should be vertical or lean away from the pool by not more then 15degrees
Pool fence/Barrier height: Not less 1200mm at any point.
Clause 2.2 NCZ = None Climb Zone
- NCZ 1: On the face of the fence: 900mm clear non climbable zone: Any hand or foot hold must be less then 10mm
- NCZ 2: 900m out from top of NCZ1 in a Radius measure out like a 900mm quadrant.
- NCZ 3: Top of fence: 900m radius out – measure from the top of the fence in a 900mm quadrant upwards.
- NCZ 4: inside of fence, 300mm clear NCZ along the inside of fence (aligns with NZ1)
- NCZ 5: Boundary Fence: Top of fence down 900mm ncz from the inside (min 1800mm high boundary fence)
On sloping sights, the fence needs to be measured perpendicular to the ground line:
Outside Barrier fence needs 500mm clear of any steps of ground changes.
2.2.3 Internal barriers not less than 1800mm in height
Barriers not less than 1800mm in height shall not require NCZ and may be climbable on either side.
2.2.4 Boundary barrier fence: Not less than 1800mm from top to inside ground level and be vertical or leaning away from pool 15 degrees max:
- a) NCZ 5 is not required if the complying intersecting barrier is no more the 50mm in thickness and the intersecting angle is between 45-135 degrees to the boundary fence.
- b) Where the top surface of the internal fence is 50mm or more the NCZ 5 will need to comply.
2.3 Barriers
Steps, retaining walls, or any level change that would reduce the height of the barrier shall not be within 500mm of the barrier:
2.3.2 Perforated material or mesh. Refer page 12 of Australian standard 1926.1-2012
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2.3.4 Surface projections and indentations
Projections with NCZ1 shall not exceed 10mm
For random projections or indentations of depth greater then 10mm following apply
- All such lower surface shall not be less than 900mm from the top of the barrier
- All such higher surfaces should not be less than 900 above FFL
- High and low surfaces shall not be with 900mm apart.
2.3.5 Horizontal components
Fences less then 1800mm
Horizontal members should not be within NCZ 1 and 2
NCZ 1 and 2 to be maintained on slopping or stepped ground (like train track)
Rails on the inside of barriers shall not constitute holds for climbing where opening is not greater than 10mm
Horizontal non climbable members fences less than 1800mm
- Horizontal members which have a hand hold or foot hold bigger then 10mm can add a 60 degree + fillet to remove and hand or foot holds
- Vertical members shall be spaced to provide a clear opening not more than 10mm.
2.3.6 Vertical components:
Maximum spacing between vertical members is 100mm at any point.
2.3.7 Ground Clearance:
Height of any opening and the bottom of the barrier and FFL shall not exceed 100mm
(Surface must be permanent not be easily removed or eroded)
2.4.1 Gates and fittings:
Must always open away from the pool and swing freely through arc of operation.
Gates to be located so they are clear of any building or door way
Maximum gap under the gate from FFL is 100mm
Self-closing device fitted working effective from stand still position:
Check gate that when closed, with force up, down and side wards does not release the latch or unhinge the gate or increase opening.
Self-latching device when door is closed position:
- Unable to be locked in the open position:
- Unable to be adjusted without tools or when in operation Is latching device higher then 1500mm from FFL or Higher then 1400mm from the highest lower horizontal member?
Latching device below 1500mm to FFL or below 1400 above the highest lower horizontal member (capable of being released at the latch) require: refer page 14 of the Australian standard 1926.1-2012 for extra info
Not applicable
- Latch not be on the outside
- Be in a position that to release the latch requires to reach over or through a fence at a height not less then 1200mm above FFL or Not less then 1000mm from the highest lower horizontal member. (applies for hand Hole shielding also)
- Be at least 150mm below the top of the gate or hand hole (which ever applicable)
- Latch shall be shielded @ radius of 450mm from operating parts of latch
- Gaps must not exceed 10mm around latch and shielding Gate Hinges
Not be within NCZ 1 and 2 if greater than 10mm in depth.
As per previous pictures in NCZ 1, Hinges within 900 mm and are approx. 20mm depth. They require adjustment to separate to 900mm or over or alternatively can install fillet sloped @ 60 degrees plus to remove NCZ.
- gate units (for manufactures design and sale)
2.5.1 Retaining wall above pool level
Retaining walls or other such barrier:
Above the pool level: not slope away more than 15 degree vertical slope max.
Fence at top of wall does not need to comply with this standard when retaining wall is at least 1800mm (refer BCA) National Construction Code reference
When retaining wall is at least 1800 it can be climbable
When retaining wall is below 1800mm the balustrade or fence above must comply with this standard.
2.5.2 Retaining wall below the pool if applicable?
When at least 1800 mm it may be climbable
When 1200-1800mm must comply with NCZ 1 and 2
When under 1200mm in height must have barrier above retaining wall to comply with this standard and NCZ 1 and 2
Where barrier intersects a retaining wall that is below the pool level it must extend to the outer edge of retaining wall and either overhang by 900mm or return along the retaining wall in either direction by 900mm
2.5.3 out of ground pool walls. Must comply with barrier requirements of this standard. Refer 2.9 more info
2.5.4 Permanent bodies of water wider than 1800mm not less than 300mm at the edge of pool area shall be considered permanent bodies of water.
- Child resistant openable portion of window in pool area: Refer 2.6 page 23 of the Australian standard 1926.1-2012
If less than 1800mm from the sill to FFL Outside requires the below:
- Opening panel of window be total covered by bars or metal screen that is fixed to the building with fasteners that can only be removed by a tool (opening between bars shall not be greater than 100mm)
- Opening panel of window be fixed with fasteners to remain closed or open maximum 100mm
2.7 child resistant door sets indoor pools refer page 24 1926.1-2012 for more info
2.8 Balcony: includes balustrading if within NCZ
- If balcony encroaches NCZ 3 the balustrading must comply with this code
- If balcony is in the pool area within 1800mm the balustrade must comply with this code. If outside of fence and NCZ nothing is required.
2.9 Above ground pools:
- Walls of fence can be considered effective barrier but must comply with the standard.
- Barrier needs to be placed around ladders at access point to pool
- Ladders and filters need to be located from NCZ, etc.
This is a very detailed and professional checklist similar to what we and other professionals may use. We at Clear View Property Inspections have developed this checklist for your pool fence inspection for you the public to utilise before you have a swimming pool inspection service to ensure you don’t spend money on extra pool inspections if you can avoid it.
Try have your swimming pool fencing compliant with this checklist and you should pass your pool inspection with flying colours!
If you need further advice or would like to be hands off and have us look after it call us or email us to schedule your inspection.
Offering efficient, professional, innovative and cost-effective service to owners of Sydney pools

All Residential swimming pools must be registered before we can do our inspection.
Please register first before booking our service.
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Pool Barrier Checklist

Pool Fencing Guidelines
- The height of the fence must be at least 1200mm all the way around measured from the outside of the pool
- If a boundary fence forms part of the pool fence, it must be at least 1800mm high measured from the inside of the pool area
- The gap between the bottom of the fence and the ground must be no more than 100mm
- Vertical or near-vertical rails on the fence and gate must be less than 100mm apart
- Must not have potential hand holds or foot holds within 900mm of the top of the pool fence in any direction
- Must have a 300mm clearance from the barrier inside the pool area
- If perforated or mesh fencing is used, the holes must be 13mm wide or less
- The pool fence must be well maintained and in a good state of repair with no holes, broken rails or palings

Pool Gates
- The gate must be close on its own and latch by itself from any position
- The gate latch must be working well so that the gate is secure and cannot be opened from the outside once locked
- The gate must open outwards and away from the pool
- The release for the gate latch must be at least 1500mm above ground level, or the release for the gate latch must be located on the inside of the fence and surrounded by a 450mm shield so that it can only be accessed by reaching over the fence or through a latch access point that is 1200mm above the ground
- The gate latch itself must be at least 150mm below the top of the fence or latch shield access point

- If a wall forms part of the pool barrier, then there must not be an opening greater than 100mm
- All windows must only open to a maximum of 100mm or the windows must be totally covered by bars or a mesh screen
- The height from the sill of the lowest opening panel of a window to the pool area must be 1800mm from the ground
- There must be an appropriate warning sign, including details of resuscitation (CPR) techniques, in the immediate vicinity of the pool area which can be easily read from a distance of 3 metres
- The pool fence must be clear of any objects such as BBQs, trees, rocks, shrubs and deckchairs that could help a small child climb over the fence
Indoor Pool Checklist
Pools Without Child-Resistant, Lockable Cover
- The latch or knob on the door to the pool must be at least 1500mm from ground level
- The door must open outwards, away from the pool area
- The door should automatically close and lock on its own from any open position
- There must be no pet doors or openings that are more than 100mm
Indoor Pools with Windows
- The windows into the pool area must only open up to 100mm
- If windows open more than 100mm, they should be totally covered by bars or a mesh screen so they cannot be accessed from the outside
- If the windows open more than 100mm and are not covered by bars or a mesh screen, the window sill from the lowest panel height must be at least 1800mm from the ground
Outdoor Spa Checklist
Spas with Child-Resistant, Lockable Cover
- Must be covered by the child-resistant, lockable cover at all times when not in use
- A current CPR sign must be displayed in clear view of the spa and easily ready from a 3-metre distance
Spas Enclosed by a Pool Fence
- If the spa was built before 1 September 2008, the fence must be at least 1200mm high all the way around the spa
- If the spa was built after 1 September 2008, the fence must be at least 1800mm high all around the spa
- There must be no gaps of more than 100mm under your spa fence
- There must be no gaps of more than 100mm between the vertical or near-vertical rails of the fence gate
- There much be no potential hand holds or foot holds within 900mm of the top of the spa fence in any direction
- The spa fence must be well maintained and in a good state of repairs, containing no holes, broken rails or palings
- If a wall forms part of the spa barrier, there must be no openings of more than 100mm
Spas Enclosed by a Pool Gate
- The spa gate must close on its own and self-lock from any open position
- The spa gate must be securely closed and unable to be pulled open when in the locked position
- All the gates to the spa area must open out and away from the spa area
- The spa gate latch should be at least 1500mm from the ground level
- If the spa gate latch is not at least 1500mm from the ground level, your gate lock on the inside of the fence should be surrounded by a 450mm shield so that it can only be accessed by reaching over the fence or through a lock access point that is 1200mm about ground level. The lock itself must be at least 150mm below the top of the fence or latch shield access point.
Around the Spa Area
- The windows that open directly to the spa area must only open to a maximum of 100mm or have bars or mesh over them
- The heights of the window sills from the lowest opening panel to the spa area must be at least 1800mm from the ground
- Current CPR signs listing the resuscitation techniques must be in clear view from inside the spa area and should be easily read from 3 meters away
- There must be no climbable objects within 300mm from inside the spa area
- There must be no climbable objects within 1200mm from the outside of the spa fence
How much does a pool safety inspection and certification cost?
A pool safety inspection, pool fence repairs, and pool certification vary depending on the inspector you choose. These prices fluctuate based on factors such as:
- Size and number of pools/spas on the property
- Inspection and certification for a Home or Business
- The required turnaround of your pool safety inspection and certification
Contact us today for a competitive quote for your pool safety inspection and certification for NSW pools and spas. Our services include pool safety inspections and building and property inspections in Sydney.
Do I need a pool fence and gate inspection and certification for a rental?
If you own a rental property in NSW, then yes, you are responsible for obtaining a pool safety inspection and certification for any pool or spas on the property.
However, if you are a renter in NSW and the property you rent has a pool or spa, you do not need to do a pool safety inspection and certification. The owners of the property are the ones responsible. As renters, it’s important that you maintain proper pool safety protocols.
Pool Barrier Inspection and Certification | Clear View
Our pool safety inspections and certifications help protect families and ensure all your pools and spas are up to code with strong attention to detail and personalised service.
- Fully Licensed and Insured
- Family Owned and Operated
- Easy to Understand Reports
- Pool or Building Inspection Consultation
- Fast, Friendly Response to Enquiries
- Trusted, Quality, Personalised Service
Choose Clear View to do your pool safety inspection and certification in NSW and ensure your pool is as safe as possible.
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Licenced and Accredited E1 Swimming Pool Certifiers
Clear View - Pool Safety Inspections and Certifications NSW

- Safety – For you and your family is and always will be our primary focus
- Assurance – Accredited swimming pool compliance inspectors.
- Fundamentally a simplistic approach to ensure that the service provided is easy to understand
- Educate – Our clients in understanding private and public pool safety in accordance with the legislation
- Timely – Pool inspections, reports and compliance certificates provided with reduced lead times
- You And your family’s safety are our number one priority
We offer our services to any pool or spa owner in the Sydney region.
We are E1 Swimming Pool Certifiers with a focus on safety and eliminating the challenges of interpreting swimming pool barrier legislation. We aim to exceed expectations by reducing response times and improving efficiency to meet your timeline. We pride ourselves in our commitment to seamless communication and industry-recognised methods. In addition, we guarantee a simple, efficient service that will ensure compliance, and above all, safety in your backyard!
With decades of experience, we share our knowledge through an educational approach. Our priority is to inform clients on swimming pool barrier safety and pool compliance. Whether it’s a children’s pool in your own backyard or a spa pool in your hotel, we are the ones to call. The emphasis we place on ensuring that you understand the regulations as much as professionals like us do is our main objective.
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Swimming Pool Register
The NSW Government has announced that starting 29 April 2016, all properties in NSW with a swimming pool or spa pool CANNOT be sold or leased without a valid swimming pool compliance certificate or relevant occupation certificate. Failure to attach the certificates may allow the purchaser to rescind the contract within 14 days of exchange, unless settlement has already occurred. (Source: fairtrading.nsw.gov.au)
Landlords and real estate agents must ensure that any residential tenancy agreement entered on or after 29 April 2016 for any property with a pool facility has a valid certificate of compliance.
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