Clear View Property Inspections

What Does A Building Inspector Check And How Do I Prepare For It

At Clear View Property Inspections, we understand the importance of building inspections in ensuring the safety and well-being of both residential and commercial properties.

A building inspector will check all areas of the home for major and minor defects whether they are visible or hidden, internal or external, already happened or will potentially happen in the future. The building inspector can only inspect areas that are safe and accessible. If an area is not accessible to the building inspector, he will add that information to the report. So, to prepare for the building inspector to visit please ensure you have made space for him to inspect areas such as the roof void and subfloor. De-clutter and make more of the property visible.

The role of a building inspector is to inspect buildings and ensure that they comply with relevant regulations and standards. Building inspectors play an important role in the construction industry, as they help to ensure that buildings are safe, functional, and in compliance with applicable codes and regulations. Here are some of the key reasons why the job of a building inspector is so important:

  1. Safety: One of the primary responsibilities of a building inspector is to ensure that buildings are safe for occupants. This includes ensuring that the building’s structure, electrical systems, plumbing, and fire safety measures are all up to code and functioning properly. By identifying potential safety hazards and ensuring that they are addressed, building inspectors help to protect the health and well-being of building occupants.
  2. Compliance: Building inspectors also help to ensure that buildings are in compliance with applicable codes and regulations. This includes local building codes, zoning regulations, and other requirements that are designed to ensure that buildings are safe and functional. By ensuring compliance, building inspectors help to prevent problems such as building failures, code violations, and legal issues that can arise from non-compliance.
  3. Quality: Building inspectors also play an important role in ensuring that construction work is of a high quality. By inspecting work as it progresses, building inspectors can identify any defects or deficiencies in the construction process and require corrections to be made. This helps to ensure that buildings are built to a high standard and that they will be durable and long-lasting.
  4. Protection of investment: Property is a significant investment, and building inspectors help to protect this investment by ensuring that buildings are well-constructed, safe, and compliant with regulations. By identifying potential problems and ensuring that they are addressed, building inspectors help to prevent costly repairs and other issues that can arise from poor construction practices.
  5. Peace of mind: For property owners and occupants, the knowledge that a building has been inspected by a qualified building inspector can provide peace of mind. Knowing that a building is safe, functional, and in compliance with applicable regulations can help to reduce stress and worry, and allow occupants to focus on enjoying the space.

Overall, the job of a building inspector is critical in ensuring that buildings are safe, functional, and in compliance with applicable regulations. Building inspectors play a vital role in protecting the health and well-being of occupants, ensuring compliance with regulations, promoting quality construction practices, protecting investments, and providing peace of mind to property owners and occupants.

Building Inspection Checklist

A building inspector checks various aspects of a property to identify any defects or issues that could compromise the safety, functionality, or structural integrity of the building. Here are some of the things that a building inspector typically checks and how you can prepare for the inspection:

Structural integrity

The building inspector will check the foundation, walls, roof, and other structural components of the building to ensure that they are stable and in good condition. They may look for cracks, sagging, or other signs of damage that could affect the building’s safety or stability.

Preparation tip: Before the inspection, make sure that all areas of the building are accessible and that there is no clutter or debris that could obstruct the inspector’s view.

Electrical systems

The building inspector will check the electrical system to ensure that it is safe and up to code. They may inspect the electrical panel, wiring, and outlets to ensure that they are in good condition and properly installed.

Preparation tip: Make sure that all electrical systems and appliances are in good working order before the inspection. A licensed electrician should address any issues prior to the inspection.

Plumbing systems

The building inspector will check the plumbing system to ensure that it is functioning properly and does not pose any health or safety risks. They may inspect pipes, fixtures, and water heaters to ensure that they are in good condition.

Preparation tip: Make sure that all plumbing fixtures are in good working order and that there are no leaks or other issues that could affect the plumbing system. A licensed plumber should address any issues prior to the inspection.

Fire safety

The building inspector will check the building for fire hazards and ensure that fire safety measures, such as smoke detectors and fire extinguishers, are in place and functioning properly.

Preparation tip: Make sure that all smoke detectors and fire extinguishers are in good working order and that there are no fire hazards, such as overloaded electrical outlets or blocked exits.

Other areas

The building inspector may also check other areas of the building, such as the HVAC system, insulation, and exterior components such as windows and doors.

Preparation tip: Make sure that all areas of the building are accessible and that there is no clutter or debris that could obstruct the inspector’s view. Any issues should be addressed prior to the inspection.

Overall, preparing for a building inspection involves ensuring that all systems and components of the building are in good working order and that the building is clean and free of clutter. Any issues should be addressed prior to the inspection to ensure that the building passes inspection and is deemed safe and functional.

5 Pointers For Finding The Right Building Inspector For You

  1. QUALIFICATIONS!!! Ensure that the building inspector is a qualified builder.
  2. Try and find a qualified builder and licenced pest technician to complete the building and timber pest inspection. Make sure they have a suitable licence to do what they have been paid for. Many are only qualified in one area but will still report on both areas. It also makes it easier t have both inspections done by the same inspector in one visit.
  3. Find out what the building inspector will cover, and if there are any extras you need such as a pool safety inspection, can they also provide the service for you.
  4. How long will you have to wait to receive the report? It is always a good idea to make sure you will have the inspection report with enough time to review the findings yourself and have time to negotiate the price of sale if needed.
  5. Follow your instincts. You need to trust and feel comfortable with the building inspector.

Could The Wrong Building Inspector Affect A Sale Or Purchase?

YES!!! If you have a building inspector who gives you incorrect information, it may affect a sale or purchase. An inexperienced building inspector may inspect a property for you to purchase and may give you the wrong information, either advising you the property is in better condition or worse than it actually is. This is due to his inexperience in determining the building defects’ severity, causing him to make the wrong decision on the building inspector’s misinformation. This can work on the buyer’s or seller’s decision when getting a pre-sale or pre-purchase inspection.

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